Pleased to say that my second novel is for sale on Amazon Kindle. This time the stress of finding a book cover was easily over come.  I have found a few sites after trolling the net for days, on how to do it myself.

You can borrow this book for a limited time if you are a Kindle Prime 

The main draft is finished, just got to edit it now. So at this moment in time i am designing the cover. Abit more work and this will be on amazon kindle too.
Just looked at my sales reports and apart from the free borrow and +200 free purchase of my book thats been downloaded on kindles. I have actually sold one. It may not be much to some people, but it's an achievement in it's self, for myself. I have actually sold a novel, which was a lifetime ambition maybe a bucket list thing ticked off. It means alot to me. So thank you who bought it and given drive to crack on and finish novel number 2. 
Been busy again what with Christmas coming. I have done more to my novel. 40,000 words plus and on chapter 16. Still quite a bit more to do and wondering to try publishers again or put this one on kindle. A lot of thinking to do.
I have been pottering around for a couple of days to to think of some more ideas to the content already planned. Leaving it to brew for a couple of days. I may crack on in a while, as i'm in the mood for more writing while it's quite.
As i said om my tweet page. I'm in the coziest place to do more to my 2nd novel. It's snowing outside and i have a nice hot cup of tea. But the problem is, all the Christmas shows are on. lol.   There's a possibilty to write 
It's great having friends to bounce ideas around. Sometimes an idea just not come through just for me. The answer was obvious but didn't see it. So thank you G.G
Having trouble trying to finish chapter 13. It happens to all so no worried, but won't rush and put anything down that's not the way to get a good story across. But looking out window and seeing the snow on a sunny day, may bring some inspiration.
Downloads are going well. No reviews as of yet. but they will come shortly. Going to do some more to second novel today after i have watched the Norwich and Man u game Otherwise i won't concentrate. lol
So far in the last 12 hours. Well the first 12 hours there have been 75 downloads. Just hope they enjoyed the story and leave good reviews.  Thank you if you have, much appreciated.